We'll be using the Anaconda distribution, which is a suite of common Python data science tools bundled around a package manager. This helps to manage virtual environments and project dependencies.

NumPy Tutorial: Your First Steps Into Data Science in Python - Real Python

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Python term Numpy command IDE term/command Snippet Reference


Install Numpy using Anaconda -

conda install numpy matplotlib

We are able to use IPython, which is an upgraded Python "Read Eval Print Loop" (REPL) that makes editing code in a live interpreter session more straightforward and prettier. 4

tuIn [1]: import numpy as np

In [2]: digits = np.array([
	[1, 2, 3],
	[4. 5. 6],
	[6. 7, 9],

In [3]: digits
array([[1, 2, 3],
	[4, 5, 6],
	[6, 7, 8]])

IPython can be installed as a standalone (pip install ipython) or be bundled with the other tools.

REPL Notebooks

Notebooks provide a series of mini-scripts called cells that can be run, and re-run in whatever order you want, all in the same Python memory session. Graphs and markdown can be rendered/included between cells

Jupyter notebook is the most popular notebook, but nteract wraps the Jupyter functionality and makes it more approachable.

Curving grades - project 1

import numpy as np
grades = np.array([72, 35, 64, 88, 51, 90, 74, 12]) # one-dimensional array. Shape of (8,). Data type int64. 
def curve(grades): # taking grades array as a param
	average = grades.mean() # mean method of grades
	change = CURVE_CENTER - average # scalar, or single number (1,). 
	new_grades = grades + change # vectorization - performs the same operation for every element in the array. Also includes Broadcasting
	return np.clip(new_grades, grades, 100) # limit/clip the values to a set of minimum and maximums. Can't go lower than the original grade or higher than 100
