Move to ‣ by January 25, 2022

Plan: let’s create a bit of a scene (after the player finishes the “orientation” or tutorial mission) where they log in to their wallet. Let’s also allow them to connect to an email address (as a backup).

Start by integrating with Metamask before moving it to Moralis, allowing users to input an email address, username, and then a “profile” (what they look like).

Connecting email accounts to game wallet: Fortmatic

Some other questions we need to think about:

Note: I’ve removed the Moralis SDK for now as it was causing compile issues with the current Unity scene (metamask setup)


I’m setting up a scriptable objects db, using the current player controller (with camera attached) (I’ll create a new character later).

I don’t know if the current one works for multiplayer, but either way let’s look into a node & python api for this later integration

@Nathan Dawit